Wednesday, April 19, 2017

New World Explorers Skits- Freebies!

What happens when you get bored with reading the social studies textbook? Create skits instead of course! :) I love teaching history. Sometimes though, history can be rather dry when explaining the happenings of people and events.

I love teaching about the Explorers of the New World. Such adventure and exploration changed the future of nations. I was in my first few years of teaching and didn't have all the fun resources and tool kits ideas gathered yet. Sticking to the textbook was a good starting place, but after a few chapters, it was time for something new.

Find it here!

I had quite a lot of fun writing skits to use in small groups to cover the New France and Spanish Borderlands sections in the textbook. Over the years, we performed these as reader's theaters and also would film with a dedicated group of actors willing to give up their recess time. It was an adventure. I do recommend allowing the students to perform it in some manner. Otherwise some of the humor falls flat.

After 5 years in 5th grade, it was time for the new adventure of tackling another grade. Though my focus has been all things 3rd grade in the last years, I found these skits and dusted them off to share with anyone else needing a change of pace.

Also included is a worksheet with review questions about the historical parts of the skit, an answer key, and teacher information with additional historical notes. Have fun! If you enjoyed it, I'd love to hear about it. Comment below or leave comments and ratings on TPT. Thanks and best of luck this year!

Find it here!

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