Monday, September 18, 2017

Pumpkin Patch Match: Multiplication with Arrays Center Game

It's pumpkin season! While I'm not all things pumpkin spice, I certainly have a few baked favorites! I also love going to pumpkin patches and corn mazes, especially now that I have a daughter who loves to be outside. Oh, did I mention food?! Fall is seriously a delicious season for food items. I'm getting hungry just thinking about pumpkin muffins , pumpkin loafs, and all drinks that are cinnamon forward! Anyways, this post is not about food or corn mazes. It is about my new fall-themed resource, Pumpkin Patch Match!

I fell in love with a Halloween set of pumpkin clipart. I used some of the pumpkins in October's Student Monthly Planner, but I wanted to use them again for an activity. I feel like I always need more resources to continue the essential practice of multiplication facts. So, a center game featuring the adorable pumpkin clipart made it's debut.

Pumpkin Patch Match is similar in feel to dominoes. You match up equations with arrays, answers, or even other equations with the same total amount in horizontal lines. To move the patch up vertically, a match in equations sharing a same factor is connected using a bug game piece.

The end game board will have pumpkin pieces stretching in neat rows and columns to create a whole patch. The game will need space to grow, so the floor is the best place to play the game. You can use the game pieces multiple ways. Go ahead and use the set as matching practice independently for a student who needs a bit more practice, or play Nertz with a partner and stack the game cards in piles of matching pieces.

Want to use the game during your lesson on multiplication with arrays? Use the larger teacher board pieces to model on the whiteboard how to play the game. 

The game is available in color or blackline. I recommend laminating for longevity if using as a center.

Do you ever find center activities that you love and then wonder if it was helpful or not? I usually lead small groups myself when it is center time. While I do the teacher room sweep occasionally, I'd rather have a bit more information on how a game center is going. To this end, Pumpkin Patch Match includes a quick check for understanding for students to complete after playing the game. Whether completing right after the game independently or waiting until the whole class has cycled through the game, the Game Board Practice sheet can provide you with a grade or just a quick check to make sure learning is occurring.

Like what you see? Head on over to Morsel Tidbits on TeachersPayTeachers to check it out! 

So grab yourself a pumpkin spice latte, or a pumpkin nut cookie (my favorite), and enjoy the fall season! I'll just sign off with my favorite pumpkin spice meme so far, courtesy of (reposted is more likely) by Body Conscious.

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