Thursday, September 14, 2017

International Talk Like a Pirate Day Freebie

Imagine my disappointment this year when I found out Krispy Kreme was not planning to have their doughnut give away for pirate-dressed enthusiasts! Yep, one of those enthusiasts is me. I was planning all sorts of costume fun that day. No worries! I still got to have fun in my costume for filming in character for my new freebie in honor of International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Watch the video to learn more! Sorry for the narrow view. I filmed for the first time on my phone. Live and learn!

To download the freebie, head on over to my store. If anyone dresses up for International Talk Like a Pirate Day, I'd love to see your outfits! I have other plans simmering for costume fun that day. (I honestly enjoy this day way more than Halloween, but then any dress up day is a favorite day!)

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