Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Parent Teacher Conference Forms

It's getting close to that time of year again! Parent Teacher Conferences require that a lot of information be presented in a short amount of time. Having a form to condense all that information into a format that is easy to follow and allows you to cover all the information you need in one meeting is essential!

I tried many formats for PT Conferences over the years and gradually figured out what works best for me and the flow of the time we were given per student. Don't worry! You will find your rhythm too. If you are looking for some forms to organize your time, keep reading!

I start my conferences with a Student Reflection. Personally, I like having my students attend the conferences and talk through this first form together. It helps set the tone of the meeting, and allows everyone to settle down nerves about possible issues! Students talk about what subjects they feel they are excelling in and which ones they do not feel as confident in.

I find it interesting to then compare that form with my assessment of how the student is doing in class. First up, I cover classroom skills. Here I focus on group work, independent work, homework, and behavior skills.

There are two options for the classroom skills page. One has the checklist of skills and the categories of Excellent, Satisfactory, and Struggling with a Notes section at the bottom. The other has the same checklist but with a notes line per skill. I personally use the first one.

The next page option focuses on areas that help is needed in. Here is where you can jot down what subjects need more support in and reasons why.

I end with the grades page and compare the grades to the student reflection. Sometimes the student's feelings match their grades, other times the student is pleasantly surprised that a subject that is challenging does not necessarily mean a low grade. Other times, students feel confident in everything and need a gentle reminder of areas they are struggling in.

If you use a digital gradebook, you can print and attach the grades over the grade section and use the note section to attach information on standardized testing.

That's all for this set. This format has worked well for me to cover what needs to be said in the short 20 minutes that I have. If you are interested, head on over to my store to check this resource out. Best of luck in conference season! Don't forget to pamper yourself a little too. You deserve it!

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