Thursday, May 18, 2017

Treasure Number Lines- Series Overview

Get the pirate to the treasure using number lines! This is the general theme of the Treasure Number Line Series. Focusing on addition, some sets focus on adding double digits, others hundreds or tens, and one set is about transitioning to larger jumps on the number line. Finally, a video and worksheet set focuses on finding where the answer is on a number line when the addition equation has variables in different locations. A few of the sets have freebies which you will find below as well.

Adding Tens, Double Digit Addition, Double Digit Addition Above 100, and Adding Hundreds are sets that include 2 worksheets that are leveled in the three ways mentioned below.

♦ The first worksheet has all number line jumps labeled with the steps of the problems. This is for your struggling students who need scaffolded support before letting them loose with number lines.

♦ The second worksheet has the number line jumps drawn in but the math is up to the students. This is designed for your students to visually see the distance of each jump and also to show how the addend is split into smaller pieces to add in total.

♦ The third worksheet has the number lines and the problems, but students will draw the number line jumps themselves as well as solve each partial sum to find the total answer.

You can also use all three to teach progression of number lines.

Adding By Tens- Practice decomposing an addend into the correct amount of tens and add on the number line to find the answer.

Double Digit Addition- This set has 2 leveled worksheets. The answers will stay under the 100 mark.

Double Digit Addition Above 100- This set works on Double Digit Addition with the answers crossing the 100 mark.

Adding Hundreds- The addends are separated by place value to add in partial sums on the number line.

Transitioning to Larger Jumps on the Number Line -This set features 5 worksheet that teaches in progression how to move from adding individual jumps of tens on the number line to combining to make larger jumps of tens, such as 20s or 30s etc. The addend is decomposed by 10s and the students are guided to practice combining to add those groups of tens to find the answer to the addition equation.

♦ 3 worksheets focus on combining tens from the addend into larger jumps in order to add more efficiently on the number line.

♦ 2 worksheets focus on decomposing or breaking apart the addend into larger jumps of tens and then using those pieces to add on the number line.

Video Set

Treasure Number Lines- Where is the Answer on a Number Line? -This video and worksheet set has students using number lines to solve equations with variables missing at the beginning, middle, and end of the equations. The video is geared towards students and explains how to set up a number line for each equation type and where the answer will be after solving. With the video comes three worksheets to practice each type of equation. Read more about it on my blog post to see examples and specifics from the video.


Double Digit Addition Bundle- This small bundle combines the Double Digit Addition and the Double Digit Addition Above 100 together. It also includes a blank sheet to write in your own equations for extra practice.

Treasure Number Lines Big Bundle- 5 sets are combined in this big bundle. It does not include the video set.


Adding Tens- A single page freebie with jumps.

Double Digit Addition- A single page freebie with problems and blank number lines to complete the problems.

Adding Hundreds- A single page freebie with problems and blank number lines to complete the problems.

More Pirate Themed Resources at my store or on my blog! Best of luck with your number line unit!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Pirate Resources for the Themed Classroom: Part 2

More goodies for your pirate themed classroom! Check out Pirate Resources for the Themed Classroom: Part 1 for Class Décor, Posters, Labels, Clipart, and Math. This post will cover resources for Writing, Grammar, Spelling, Social Studies, and Art. Enjoy!

Writing, Grammar, Spelling

Writing Checklists (Freebie)

Join Captain Smelly Nose Hair and his crew on an adventure around the world and then create your own story using a map, graphic organizer, and themed writing paper. A teacher example is included! Students also use maps and directions along the journey as a review of geography concepts.

Pirate Spelling Booklet Templates

Use your own spelling lists in 3 different pirate themed booklets. Each booklet has a variety of activities to practice spelling words pirate style!

Fun Writing Prompts (Freebie)

Social Studies

4 worksheets dealing with coordinates on a grid and keys. Great for review or during your geography unit.

Includes teacher example, path created, and a create your own path for practicing cardinal and intermediate directions. Direction clues are created for each leg of the journey and all pieces are arranged neatly onto a project page.

This is a general review, but has geography questions on it. 42 questions are hung on clue cards for students to search out and answer in a student notebook. A secret message is unlocked as students find and solve problems and a handy map keeps track of how many questions have been found.


We made our own version of this one in a couple of different formats for different spelling weeks.

Just so cute! We made our own version of this which turned out very cute as well.

We created our own map with this blank map and tied it into geography with keys and directions. It would also work well for writing projects too. The link has other treasure maps for coloring available as well.

Pirate Ships! This is great to accompany any pirate writing adventure. A lot of my pirate art activities get incorporated into math or writing.

More pirate arts and crafts for your viewing pleasure can be found on my Pinterest Pirate Board.

Well Mateys, we've reached the end. There are so many other amazing pirate activities out there. Hopefully you got some inspiration from the activities you've seen so far. I'll leave you with this fun classroom community builder. Every year, our class would dress up as pirates and film a fun pirate video featuring some concept from the class that we had learned. After school later that day, students and parents would meet up at Krispy Kreme for free doughnuts for Talk Like A Pirate Day. If you have a Krispy Kreme near you, start watching for Talk Like A Pirate Day events in September.

Pirate Resources for the Themed Classroom: Part 1

I'm a theme kind of gal! In the school year, our class explores and delves into three themes. We start with pirates, segue into ninjas, and end with a medieval theme. I've already posted on Medieval and Fantasy resources for your classroom. Check it out if that theme intrigues you.

Let's take a look at some of my favorite resources for a pirate themed classroom. There are so many wonderful resources out there to discover and inspire your classroom theme, but here's a few to get started.

This post covers Class Décor, Posters, Labels, Signs, Clipart, and Math. Pirate Resources for the Themed Classroom Part 2 covers Writing, Spelling, Grammar, Social Studies and Art. I personally don't like really long posts that take forever to load. It's just my personal preference.

Class Décor, Posters, Labels, Signs

I fell in love with the frog pirates for these posters. I used them on a corner of my whiteboard as we introduced and learned each concept. So cute!

Just perfect! You can use these to create signs too!

Student Jobs (Freebie)

Pirate Classroom Documents- Read about it on my blog post!

Table Numbers (Freebie)

Welcome Sign (Freebie)

There are signs for Pre-K through 5th Grade. I hung mine on the outside door for the first day.

Word Wall (Freebie)

The words were not at my students' grade level, but it includes blank labels for your own words!

Pirate Voices (Freebie)


Pirate Owls (Freebie)

Pirate Clipart (Freebie)


Pirate Arrays Treasure Hunt- Read it about it on my blog post.

Geometry Bingo (Freebie)

This is one set from a whole series of Treasure Number Lines. Read about the whole series here. You can also check out a few freebies from the series below. There's more freebies at my TpT store too!

More Pirate Themed Resources for Writing, Spelling, Grammar, Social Studies and Art in the next post.