Monday, May 1, 2017

Pirate Classroom Documents

To have a pirate theme in your classroom, certain support documents while not a must are certainly a plus. It just makes a theme a bit more special.

Find it here!

What really motivated the creation of this resource was my desire for pirate themed assignment trackers/ gradesheets. Grading is the bane of teaching, I swear!!! Really important, yes, but soooo many hours of my life are spent grading! Anything that keeps me going when grading is a good thing. Interestingly enough, having fun assignment trackers puts me in a better mood. That, and at least three refills of Iced Green Tea at Starbucks! I have been mistaken many times as a college student studying for finals with my giant stacks of papers and computer.

After the assignment trackers with different clipart options was ready, I thought that labels and reading logs would be a nice addition too. I like to change up my reading logs occasionally, and so having options is a good thing. Plus, why not put the cute clipart from TpT to good use?

Rotating fun name cards and tags is fun too. No matter how much I laminate the heck out the store bought name cards, they never make it through the year. Oh well, that leaves room for new name cards with every theme change in the year! You know the students are going to doodle on their name cards if anywhere in arms reach, so might as well let them! They can personalize their own pirate face and add other features like hair. Otherwise it might end up looking like a pirate snowman, which I am sure exists in Calvin and Hobbes, right? Right? It's getting a bit late as I write this post, and my mind starts to wander.....

Oh yes, I'd need Bathroom Logs, Passes, Hallway Passes, Behavior Point Trackers, and Parent Notes too. Sounds good. Bring on the theme! What else can I themify? Yep, that's not a word. Well, perhaps I can coin it.

Did I forget anything? I'm sure I did, but for now it's a good start. Now I just need to make the same set for my medieval theme too. This could get dangerous. I have too many clipart sets to choose just one! I think buying clipart sets might become an obsession. That can be a good thing, right? Right? Okay, it's definitely time to go to bed. Check out Pirate Classroom Documents if interested! Good night mateys!

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